Our mission
Spread the Gospel

About the Pastor
God's Vision and Provisions
My Testimony
We have started this Ministry under a Calling from our Lord Jesus Christ.
My name is Vishwas Masih. I come from a village in Punjab, District Jalandhar. While I was working in CMC Hospital, Ludhiana in 2015. My honorable Pastor Salim Khan said to me “brother you have a calling to serve the Lord”. He told these words many times. But I ignored stating in my mind that, all the Pastor say these kinds of words to the people. So, I took it lightly. During the year 2015, when I was planning to apply for Canada immigration. I expresed my desire to my Pastor, He said, “brother you will go, but you have to serve the Lord, because you have a calling”. I thought, my calling was to serve the Lord through my money, helping the churches financially.
I came in Canada in August 2015. Years passed. When ever I used to talk with the Pastor our discussion endup on my calling. I kept on ignoring him.
In December 2018, Pastor Salim Khan called me and said, “brother many times, I have spoken to you, which Lord is saying to me again and again, But you are not going toward that”. I answered my Pastor very politely, “Pastor Ji, I honour your words, but the Master to whom I will serve; He should talk to me directly. I can not serve a master, who didn’t talk to me but the third person. I honor you, but you are a third person between me and the master.”
Our conversation ends up with a prayer, in which Pastor said, “Lord, the words which you spoke to me, I have conveyed to Brother Vishwas; Now lord you speak to him and reveal your desires for him” Amen. After this conversation, he never spoke to me until next year.
In February 2019, I came back home from my work night shift. When I was about to sleep and was not in a deep sleep. I saw my Lord Jesus Christ standing by me bed side. There were two otherpersons standing by His Sides. Those two stood standstills, speaking no word. Lord started talking me with a question, “Why you are not serving me? I have talked to you many times.” I could not speak a single word to HIM. I only said, “Hmm!”. Lord kept on saying, “Do you think no one will listen you?, Look at me, Even my desciples did not believed me. But I did the work which Father gave me. See now, how much the world has been impacted and saved. You now share my goodnews to the world.” I woke up from my bed. I was filled with a great joy which can not be expressed in words. After some time, I prayed and open my bible, saying “Lord if it was really you, confirm me with your holy words as well.” I opened my bible blindly, and I got this verse from the bible, :1 Corinthians 9:16-23 16 For if I preach the gospel, I have nothing to boast of, for necessity is laid upon me; yes, woe is me if I do not preach the gospel! For if I do this willingly, I have a reward; but if against my will, I have been entrusted with a stewardship.
I got confirmation from the lord. I prayed, “Thank you lord forconsidering me faithful and choosing me as your servant”.
The very next Sunday, when we were getting ready to go to the Church. While My wife and I were getting ready for a church. Suddenly my wife and I spoke at the same time to go to the other Church, where we had gone for a long time. We went in that church and sat on the second last seat. While pastor was preching in the church, I was thinking in my mind, “Lord, if you want, I want to preach next Sunday here in this Church, But I don’t want to ask pastor for a time to preach, you make pastor to ask me for preaching. When the church was over, I was standing in the corridore. Pastor straight way came to me, shaked hand and asked, “Will you preach next Suday, brother?” I said ,“Yes”. The Lord spoke to me, “You asked me to confirm two times, I ask you three times, Go and preach my word”.
This ministry (Life in Christ Shalom- LINC Shalom) is the result of Lord Jesus Christ’s Calling, not self-made venture. Our vision is so simple, “Church is the body of Christ, Church is Bride and Christ is the bridegroom (2 Corinthians 11:2). Lord is the only master and owner of the Church; we are the Servants and custodians. The Sheeps belong to the Chief Shepherd (1 Peter 5:2-4) . The Harvest and the field belong to the Lord, we are only workers and stewards (Matthew 9:37-38)”.
– Pastor Vishwas Masih

A passion for Christ
Praises to the Lord
A beautiful day starts with prayer